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SimBaby™ with Tracheostomy

Help improve tracheostomy care training and critical care for pediatric patients.

SimBaby™ with Tracheostomy is a 9-month-old pediatric simulator with a controllable tracheostoma. It allows you to train for specific learning objectives on initial assessment and treatment, in addition to realistically simulating tracheostomy care.

Creating confident care providers

A tetherless simulator supporting the entire patient pathway – from in-hospital intensive care, during ambulance transportation, and in a home care setting – SimBaby with Tracheostomy is used to improve confidence and competence in all aspects of pediatric care.

If you already own a SimBaby you can purchase a tracheostomy upgrade. 


Use your own ventilator

Enhanced ventilation management

Connect SimBaby Tracheostomy with ASL 5000 Lung Solution to expand your training possibilities with mechanical ventilators.

The ASL 5000 replicates all types of respiratory conditions and seamlessly integrates with SimBaby, real ventilators, and patient monitors. 

ASL 5000 Lung solution

Practice early assessment, diagnosis, and intervention

Children can have different physiological responses to trauma compared to adults. Learning how to effectively recognize and respond to respiratory emergencies, shock, and cardiopulmonary arrest can improve the healthcare provider's ability to respond more confidently in an emergency situation.

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Assess capillary refill time

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Test pupillary light reflex

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Check bilateral pulses

Worry-free simulation

Always stay operational and on top of the latest simulation knowledge through support of the extensive Laerdal technical and educational service portfolio.


T. A. Stanley, M. Battles, N. Bezruczko, C. Latty (2019), Efficacy of Simulation for Caregivers of Children With a Tracheostomy, Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 2019 June; 31:6-19. 

K Prickett, A Deshpande, H Paschal, D Simon, KB Hebbar (2019) Simulation-based education to improve emergency management skills in caregivers of tracheostomy patients International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 2019 May; 120:157-161. 

N M Tofil, C Rutledge, J L Zinkan et al, (2013), Ventilator Caregiver Education through the Use of High-Fidelity Pediatric Simulators: A Pilot Study, Clinical Pediatrics, 2013 October; Vol 52 Issue 11; 1038-1043. 

N M Tofil et al, (2018) Tracheostomy Education for Parents Utilizing Simulation: A New Paradigm In Parental Education, Pediatric Nursing, May-June 2018, Vol. 44, No. 3; 111.

J Thrasher et al (2018), Hospital to Home: A Quality Improvement Initiative to Implement High-fidelity Simulation Training for Caregivers of Children Requiring Long-term Mechanical Ventilation, Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 2018 Jan - Feb;38:114-121.


  • Controllable tracheostoma size for realism when inserting tracheal tubes. Settings: Open, Partially Open, Closed.
  • Bag-valve ventilation
  • Connect to a mechanical ventilator
  • Simulate false passage or removal of a mucus plug

For a full list of specifications, please visit the SimBaby page